Tuesday, October 5, 2010

When in Rome...

While on tour, i always try my best to get out and sample
some of the local treasures the cities have to offer, Whether it be music, food & libations, art & architecture, etc.... even at the expense of not getting enough sleep sometimes.

However, i've been guilty of making an excuse like..."oh, i don't really need to check this or that out because i'll be able to find it in nyc." I am spoiled living in the best city in the world.

Well, after being on this current European tour, I can tell you that things REALLY are better where they come from. A sense of place and context can really make an experience one to remember. I pretty much already knew this, but this past week it really hit home that "local" rules!!!

i mean the olive oil in Greece tastes AMAZING!!! ..and it didn't travel thousands of miles for me to pay double (or triple) of what i would pay for it in Greece.

Being in Tel Aviv and going to ANOTHER great hummus place, far outweighs going to "Hummus" on 1st ave and St. Marks again...even though their hummus is legit.

Drinking a bottle of 2005 Bordeaux, bought from a French supermarket for 5 Euro, is a much better experience than paying the huge markups we deal with in the US.
Or similarly, drinking some local Ouzo in Athens, from a distillery that been around since the 1920's, is so much better than buying a bottle at the Duty Free shop on my flight out.

Going to see the Monet exhibit at The Grand Palais....even though i didn't get in because the line was 3 hours too long, would have been a lot more hip than checking out a retrospective at The Met. Again, similarly, seeing the "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" painting at the Tetryakov gallery in Moscow was ruled.

No matter where you are in the world, get out there and explore. EXPERIENCE is not underrated.

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